
Thank you for your interest in our Spiritual Formation Classes. There are many opportunities for you to learn and be uplifted.

Spiritual Formation

Class-room gatherings on Sunday mornings, mid-week bible study, personal daily devotions, and listening to the preached word – all are relevant opportunities for learning more about faith and what we believe about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Christian Education provides us time and space in New Life for experiencing God’s self-revelation through Scripture as the Holy Spirit speaks to us and guides us to understand the full message of God’s Word.

Scripture brings us encouragement and comfort. It refreshes us and transforms in the midst of life’s demands. Whether we find ourselves in the midst of joys or sorrows, studying and meditating on God’s Word has a direct effect on our desire to respond to God. We are called to respond to God daily through personal worship, personal reflection, and personal acts of neighbor love.


Get Shade!

S-Study, H-Help, A-Apply, D-Develop, E-Empower

New Life offers thriving classroom experiences for believers who are excited about Christ in their faith journeys. Classes are age specific, from the youngest learners to our Elite Seniors. Each gathering of SHADE classes is designed to help participants understand what it means to have faith in God who is revealed in Jesus Christ.

It is our SHADE setting that provides us an opportunity to:

  • Read Scripture for the guidance, support and challenge which the Word of God presents.

  • Meditate upon the Word, committing passages of Scripture to memory.

  • Recall, analyze and compare biblical themes and symbolic imagery exploring relationships between Scripture and life.

We start at 9:00 in the morning and transition into our corporate worship celebration at 10:30AM.

Our guiding verse is 2 Timothy 2:15 NRSV: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth."

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